Saturday, 17 March 2012

Sally Cinnamen

"I took Dan t' bathroom, I was most proud to show him my new tongue n' groove bath panelling. The bathroom door slammed behind me and before you knew it Dan had decided he was going t' give me a bit of tongue n' groove!"
Sally Cinnamen is 30 years old, single, likes men and Vodka Red Bull.  This character emerged from a blog I was writing called 'The Diary of a Sex Addict'.  Some of the stories seemed to good to sit in text form in the world wide web so Sally Cinnamen brings them to life.  So far I have performed at Stand up comedy nights and Cabaret Bars but Sally Cinnamen is a character who performs Comic Monologues.  Finding the right venue for her is hard.  
Later this month I am enrolled on the London Comedy Course to see if her material or delivery can be altered to suit a 'stand up' routine.  Showcasing on Tuesday 27 March 2012 at 'Up the Creek' LONDON.
 Click this link to meet Sally Cinnamen on facebook.

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